Thursday, August 28, 2014

I said no but ....

W wanted a Nutella sandwich after lunch, I said "no you've just eaten".  It all went quiet ...

Then he appeared ...

So I went to check out the kitchen...

It is hard to believe my tiny baby can make his own snacks and starts school next week.

As do I! This is the last week of the gap year, do I need to rename my blog now? Very excited / nervous about going back to work, I am sure by next Thursday night it will feel like I haven't been away.  Although I am teaching German on Friday for the first time in four years eek!  

Friday, August 8, 2014

My month in numbers July 2014

1 house finished!!!  We moved back on Saturday 13th and never would have managed it without Claire and G who worked like troopers to get our rooms clean and beds built so we could all sleep in our new bedrooms.  Thank you :)  The new space is amazing and we love it, the kitchen is so airy and light and a brilliant place to hang out, our new bedroom is just so calm and tranquil with a gorgeous view of the treetops from the new windows! The children love their new room, when they first came in William lay down and said 'I love this carpet'!  3 weeks of James' time and the main parts of the house are decorated beautifully including feature walls with fab wallpaper and quirky picture rails. I love it!!

50 square feet of storage unit still to come back into the house however!  It feels so spacious without all our stuff but we will soon need coat hooks and work stuff.  

The end of my gap year, so I will have to find a way to rename my blog! I had my induction day at my new school and am excited and nervous in equal measures about starting back at work.  I know I will like it once I get started but it is a bit scary especially teaching all new text books.

I finally made it to sports day for the first time in 3 years!  It was great to see Madeleine taking part and hold the ribbon with William because he didn't want to join in :)  The end of term was very calm  and we enjoyed the last few days walking to school again if we couldn't listen to Frozen on our scooters :) 

19 families at the hirschsprungs family day out in Southampton.  It was amazing to see so many children having fun with their siblings, it was impossible to pick out the HD children which is just how it should be. We also met lots of other parents and shared stories and experiences which is invaluable as we go along on our HD journey.  

31st was my birthday!!  Ah well as my now traditional photo of the children I got the most amazing books from Paul.  Our friend is an antiquarian book seller and found him the most beautiful boxed set of the complete works of the Brontë sisters complete with beautiful pictures and a useful ribbon to mark your page (that was the bit Madeleine noticed!).  Best presents ever :)